I got the fabric from my sister scraps.. hehe.. she made a lot of outfit and left me the scraps.
Lucky me.. I can use the scraps to practice my handmade project since I need a lot of practice in sewing to get neater job.
I put the foam and the fabric together still with my quilting style... haha..
I don't know the name of this style of quilt, not straight but in random curved line
ssst... before I worked on above,
I practiced first with the small one below
So, I was more confident of making the big one.. ^_^
practice makes perfect..
ReplyDeletewaahh, bikin tutorial dong mbak :D
ReplyDelete@NoEn : Tq, NoEn.. ^_^
ReplyDelete@Mila : you are absolutely right, my dear friend
@Amalia : maybe someday ya Lia... mudah2an sempat dan bisa :)
ReplyDeleteWah, jaman kuliah dulu, tas beginian nih aku paling suka! Pasti gak ada yg ngembarin motifnya deh :D
ReplyDeleteAnyway, model tali tas kyk gn jg paling enak lho. Nyaman di bahu meski bawaannya seabreg :D
hellow viit,...ihhh uda posting lagi aja,...keren Viiit....aku blm tu bikin bikin tas :(
ReplyDeletemudah2an nnt sempettt,...makasih udah menginspirasi utk tetep rajin mencoba dan berlatihh...
bikin lagi vit yg keren2 kyk gini....^__^
Cantik sekali mbak. :)
ReplyDeleteMau donk tutorialnya.. :D
these are wonderful! Cong!
ReplyDeletemau doong d ajarin
blog nya bnyk harta karunnya
keren mba, aku sudah deh tasnya, harganya brp? hehe
ReplyDelete@Tyka Ndutyke: betul say, tas ini udah kupake juga kemana mana.. hehehe.. enakeun (sundanese = enak pakenya) :)
ReplyDelete@Imel Sew Stories : thanks Mel... pasti ntar bikin2 lagi, lagi keranjingan nih.. hihi
@Ethie, Dapur Emak, Narsistambul : Tq all
@Nadia : berapa yah Nad ? hehe.. *garuk-garuk kepala* belom pede jual say, masih belom perfect bikinnya... ntar deh kalo udah expert baru aku jualan.. hehehe
ReplyDeletembak vit, ajarin dong bikinnya. ehhe. aku suka nya tas gendong, tp pengen bikin yg bunga2 gini sih, pengen ada kantongnya di depan, dan ga terlalu besar.
ReplyDeletembak, terima pesenan ga? harga berapa? hehe :D
@Amalia : Lia.. sorry yah kayanya belom sempat bikin tuto-nya dalam waktu dekat ini.. maybe someday ya Dear.. kalo masalah pesana.. mmh... nanti aku email deh Say.. hehe
ReplyDeleteitu mbak emailnya, hoho.nnti kita ngobrol disana aja ya :D
Tq Lia.. nanti ku email yaa.. :)
ReplyDeletewarnanya bikin jatuh cintaaaaa
keren bangat tas nya Mbak
serius nih, super keren deh