24 Mar 2011

Perfectly Matching Dress to My Bracelet

One of my favorite made-by-me bracelet is orange crystal bracelet. well, though the bracelet comes from many color of crystals, I named it "Orange Bracelet" because the color is the brightest color among the other crystals.

I made it about a year ago and still love to wear it until now..

Here is the bracelet

At the beginning I found difficulty to find which dress would be perfectly match to this bracelet, since none of my dresses color is orange (usually I'm not confident enough to wear bright colors.. and and orange is one of the category.. hehehe... though I wear orange once a while)

But I couldn't help it, I wanted to wear that bracelet so much.. so I wore it whenever I like, though it didn't match to my dress... hehe.. and I were to lazy to buy myself a new orange blouse.. :D

At last.. the fortune come to me, when I visited my sister's fashion store last month, I found this cute dress and first time I saw it I knew that it would be the perfectly match to my bracelet... hehehe... a not-too- bright-orange-color striped dress.

See.... look how they made a perfect couple.. :D, and I choose orange too for another matching jilbab

And lucky me, I didn't have to pay for it, Alhamdulillah, my sister gave it to me as a gift.... whoaaa.. thanks Sis, I love you so much.. :D


  1. @Desty : Thanks ^_^

    @QiQi : ntar aku upload deh bajunya.. hehe.. kalo pas dipake, susyah foto diri sendiri.. hihihi.. belom secanggih Qiqi

  2. Heheh, so far aku blm pernah bikin gelang dr kristal. Abis pangsa pasarnya anak SMA sih :P

  3. bikinlah sekali kali Tyk.. buat memanjakan diri sendiri.. hihih

  4. Mba beli bahan2nya dimana aja ya? Ada yg os tdk ya? Soalnya sy di sumatera.. Btw, makasih utk tutorialnya ya.. Pengen nyoba utk ngisi wkt..


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